
  • Heading to UKGovCamp2012

    Tomorrow I will be getting up at silly o’clock to drive to Cambridge, park, walk 2 miles to […]

  • Highlighting Custom Post Types in the menu

    There seems to be a problem/oversight in WordPress at the moment (afaik). You can generate Custom Post Types […]

  • Conditionally loading plugin scripts in WordPress

    I’m a big fan of WordPress – it’s both easy to use as an author and easy to […]

  • York House photoshoot

    Last weekend I had the pleasure of staying at York House in Tetbury. While they won’t be opening […]

  • Tracking downloads in Google Analytics with jQuery

    Google Analytics (and other similar services) aren’t 100% reliable, but they give a valuable insight into what the […]

  • MediaElement.js Joomla plugin updated

    The MediaElement.js plugin for Joomla I released on GitHub has now been updated to v0.4. Significantly it adds […]

  • Please don’t steal images

    I’m quite flexible with copyright, with regards to my non-commercial work at least. I also fully support releasing […]

  • MediaElement.js Joomla plugin released

    Just a short announcement that I released a plugin to enable use of MediaELement.js in Joomla on GitHub […]

  • HTML 5 logo mashup

    In case you didn’t know… there’s a new kid in town called HTML 5. This update to the […]

  • Git GUIs

    The market is finally taking off. While GUIs for Git have been around for a long time, they […]